
应用程序服务 摩根泰勒 应用程序服务 摩根泰勒


Usability testing is a crucial step in designing any product or application. 对于mg官方游戏中心开发Clear Path的团队来说 , designing the usability tests was a very important part of the process. Since our Jira app was a new application being developed from scratch, there is even more of a need to understand the user experience and improvements that can be made based on user feedback. 在进行测试之前, designing the usability test is equally important to ensure you are receiving the information that would help make your product better.

在设计可用性测试脚本时, there was discussion about whether to use a usability test or user acceptance test (UAT). 尽管这些类型的测试可以互换使用, 他们之间有需要考虑的差异. 成为一款新应用, it was a question for our team on whether to do usability testing or user acceptance testing. So, what is the difference between these two types of tests?

应用程序服务 Chris Low 应用程序服务 Chris Low

Developing a Jira App: Three Tips for Atlassian Forge App Development

You have two choices for building the user interface for your Forge app – the UI kit, and custom UI. The UI kit allows you to create a straightforward UI using a set of Atlassian-supplied components, 使用相对简单的代码组合在一起. Custom UI gives you more room to use Atlassian-supplied and third-party hooks, 组件等, 同时还允许您使用更复杂的HTML, CSS, 静态资源(如图像)和源代码, all of which can be hosted in Atlassian’s cloud with custom UI but not the UI kit. Both types of UI involve writing code in a React-like pattern, which makes sense in that various components available from Atlassian are based on React.

应用程序服务 Chris Low & 亚历克斯·霍华德 应用程序服务 Chris Low & 亚历克斯·霍华德

Developing a Jira App: Distributing Your Atlassian Forge App

在本博客的上一期文章中[1], we discussed getting your Forge app up and running in a "Hello, 世界!在测试Atlassian实例上. 现在, perhaps your 公司 has an Atlassian instance that employees use daily, and you'd like to test your Forge app in the real world by installing it on that instance. Another scenario is that you’re now ready to have customers for your app, 所以你需要把它分发给他们.

应用程序服务 Chris Low 应用程序服务 Chris Low

Developing a Jira App: Getting Started with Atlassian Forge

Forge is Atlassian’s next-generation framework for building apps that integrate with Confluence, Jira, 或Jira服务管理. Forge提供Web UI元素, APIs and deployment environments that enable developers to create fully-featured apps within Atlassian’s cloud infrastructure through the use of JavaScript, HTML, CSS和其他Web技术. Forge apps can be distributed via the Atlassian Marketplace as software to which any Atlassian Cloud customer can subscribe.

应用程序服务 摩根泰勒 应用程序服务 摩根泰勒

Developing a Jira App: Design Consistency and Team Collaboration

在当今不断发展的科技世界, it is important to have effective project management tools for companies to achieve their development goals. Jira is a powerful project management tool that aims to streamline workflows and improve collaboration. Taking this with the variety of different business and industries Jira clients are in, there can be a desire to customize capabilities to their needs. Our team at Moser decided to create a custom tool to develop clear work paths for project management, as well as visually see the dependencies and path to completion for Jira tickets. “为Jira清理路径”这个工具最初只是一个想法, and then turned into a working tool that Jira users can use today.

应用程序服务 汤姆·麦吉尼斯 应用程序服务 汤姆·麦吉尼斯


对于Linux系统的客户端, 请注意,周二晚些时候, 1月25日, 2022年(截至这篇博文发布之日的昨天), the Linux Foundation and all the major Linux distro publishers (Red Hat, 规范, SUSE, Debian, et al) publicly announced a vulnerability in the PolKit (formerly PolicyKit) service applicable to ALL current Linux systems they've dubbed PwnKit.

